Social Media Optimization (SMO)

Social Media Marketing has become a powerful tool these days. We are an experienced social media optimization company based in India, serving the clients across the globe. We help companies create their brand and improve sales by providing SMO solutions. We can market your products and services in the best possible way.

In 2016, the tweets recorded in 60 seconds were 448,800, the number of Facebook posts were more than 3 million and more than 65K photos were uploaded on Instagram.

This shows how widely social media is growing. Each second some or the the other person is actively engaged in social media. People with age 18-34 are most likely follow a brand via social networking (95%).

There were over 4.4 million videos uploaded directly to Facebook in February 2016, generating over 199 billion views. – RealSEO

There are 40 million active small business pages in Facebook and 4 million of those businesses pay for social media advertising on Facebook have seen growth in their business. – Forbes

This highly proves that paid marketing campaign on social media helps you reach a wider audience. It not only helps to get a market reach but also helps to be a POS for your business.

There are following ways of Social Media Optimization (SMO)

  • RSS Feeds
  • Ping
  • Blogs
  • Forums
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Linked In
  • Social News & Sharing
  • Videos Marketing

LetsNurture offers following SMO solutions

  • Creating an effective advertising campaign on Facebook
  • Consistent and engaging posting schedule
  • Create blogs & building community forums
  • Keyword based posting
  • Custom social media strategy
  • Creating viral media like podcasts, videos and audio streams
  • Profile maintenance
  • Affordable prices with utmost satisfaction

Social media optimization is another essential way to get better rankings and more business but it has its own advantages and its own way of returns. Some people refer it viral marketing but we would like to call it is social marketing.

SMO is a way of communication and studying consumer behaviors too. SMO solutions from LetsNurture can assure improvement of your search engine rankings with direct and indirect traffic. SMO can improve your Brand & Reputation. But it is not only limited to that.

LetsNurture provides SMO solutions for all SEO clients and if you need dedicated SMO solutions from us we are open for socialising with you, feel free to message us on our Facebook page, LetsNurture.