Django Ecommerce Development Services

“You can’t wait for customers to come to you. You have to figure out where they are, go there and drag them back to your store.”

Paul Graham

Django Ecommerce Development Services

Django is free and open source functional Python web framework that supports e-commerce development with diverse features. It is designed in a way that its core functionality can be easily customized. Also, it could be added to your existing website without complex modifications. In other words, Django provides a base platform to build things on. For example, you want to build an ecommerce website, you can add various types of shipping methods and types of payment gateways to the base platform. It can also be customised as and when required.

Django E-commerce Website Features

  • Supports any kind of product types: categories, customisable(with customer’s designs), multi-lingual products, variant products (different colors and sizes), digital, subscriptions, downloadable, dynamically priced.
  • Provides the support for various sale offers: coupons, vouchers, bundles, multi buys, etc.
  • Provides extensive catalog support. In face, there are product websites with around 20 million products.
  • Comprehensive dashboard that replaces the Django admin completely.
  • A large set of merchandising blocks for visual advertisement throughout the website.
  • Extension libraries to support various payment gateways and payment

Payment sources:bankcard, voucher, gift card, business account.

Payment Gateways: PayPal, GoCardless, DataCash, etc.

  • Support complex products handling such as multi batch shipping, order status pipeline, split payments orders.
  • Hierarchy of customers, sales directors and sales representatives with well-designed access control rules that manage who can view and order what.

Why Django?

  • Mature

Django has been steadily on improvement since 2005 as a framework. By implementing battle proof and well tested code rather than chasing latest trend, Django has managed to stand the test of time.

  • Scalable

A series of components that come wired up and ready-to-go by default in Django. These components are not dependent on each other, i.e, it can be replaced and unplugged according to your requirements.

  • Great Documentation

Django provides well-organized documentation and example code for each specific release. This might not look like a big deal to you, but it is! Good Documentation means difference between hours of grueling trial and error or effortless implementation.

  • Lots of Packages

With hundreds of packages with the ability to be extended with ‘app’ making it easy to do things like add google maps, create complex permissions, or connect to stripe for payment processing.

  • Included admin panel

The admin panel lets non-developers create/update/delete users and any other database objects specific to your app. The framework comes with out-of-the-box is a fully featured web interface that gets automatically generated for every app you build.

  • Secure by default

Django being used by a vast number of websites around the world security is at the forefront of the framework, this is also reflected in its “secure by default” configuration.

  • Free & Open source community

Django is classified as a piece of “copy left” software which is a very open and permissive license allowing you to develop on top of the framework without worrying about legality issues, this is all backed by a strong open source community that allows anyone to contribute and improve the framework.

Django for your Startup?

LetsNurture designs and develops websites using Python programming language, relying on Django web framework, because it is reliable, simple and transparent. Our motto is to nurture the society, making IT simple by transforming ideas into successful product.

For any questions regarding Django, Python, Ruby on Rails or Shopify, get in touch via email at or drop us a message on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.