Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Development

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) project is an open source initiative that is helping publishers create mobile-optimized content once and have it load instantly everywhere. It is a brainchild of Google who has been steering behind many life-changing technologies. AMP is an effort towards improving the mobile content ecosystem for all the stakeholders – content creators, publishers, consumer platforms and lastly the users.

Way to Attract Users through Accelerated Mobile Pages

As in case of all innovations, even here, there was a necessity. Today maximum people access INTERNET via their mobile devices. Not just they are cheap in compare to personal computers but also because they serve lot many purposes – photography, watching movies, reading news and chatting with friends and family. Most of the users who would read some news or articles over their devices were found to abandon the task even before the page was uploaded.

This would all, had great impact on page-views and ultimately to the revenues of the publishers. So to tackle this situation, engineers at Google, with tips and views from publishing and technological companies, suggested the concept of Accelerated Mobile Pages. Web pages that are designed to load swiftly, which could be a boon to the people in areas having very poor Internet connectivity.

Amplifying Benefits through Accelerated Mobile Pages

AMP is an innovation due to the slow loading of web pages. In this world, only matter of speed and instant is assumed ideal, the bounce rate on pages that take more than 10 seconds have a major chance to get bounced off. AMP is the solution to that loading speed. Its rapidness is the compelling factor for the users to engage with the content more often.

The advertisements are a great source of revenue for the on line publishers, ad blockers are the killers of these revenue sources. The new AMP format has been designed to ensure that faster web pages will disengage users to install softwares like ad blockers which eat up into revenues. This has attracted some of the most popular and leading ad networks like Amazon, Google Ad sense, AOL AdTech, Taboola, etc to adapt AMP ad extended component.

The Technological Shift

AMP HTML is an efficient way to optimise the web pages so that user bounce off rate can be reduced and converted into revenues. There is no need to change the content that you are posting to enhance your business. All it needs is a little addition to the HTML coding of you web page that will automatically transform the content to AMP format. This will enable your content to be crawled, indexed, displayed and cached by the third parties for easy viewing within their framework.

If you want to direct submit your requirement regarding accelerated mobile pages development click here.