Market Place Solution for Service Provider Web & Mobile

Marketplace system is very important for business for any location. There is always a need for service providers and service seekers. Marketplace can work very effective for both parties where rating, review system ensures quality and escrow system make sure about fund security for all. Membership plan can make sure that only people with quality work will come.

Plumbers, painters, cleaners, baby sitters, drivers, care givers, electricians, chefs, handy man, nurses, trainers, life coaches. There is a huge demand of various kinds of people in the world. It varies based on the location itself. So Marketplace system is an anytime solution.

Here are detailed feature list of market place.

  • Front End System
  • CMS System for all pages
  • Membership
  • Jobs Available
  • Search / Advanced Search where limited information will show up but both type of users can search who all are registered to system & performance of all.
  • Sign & Registration

Membership Dashboard for Service provider

  • Profile & Account Setup
  • Secret Questions for an Account safety
  • Payment Information
  • Search / Advanced Search
  • Previous jobs done
  • Inbox System
  • Transaction History
  • Financial Accounts
  • Message Board
  • Reviews & Rating
  • Skills
  • Document & Portfolio

Membership Dashboard for Hiring

  • Search Providers (Electricians, Plumbers, Beauticians, Doctors, Lawyers)
  • Post a Job
  • Watch List
  • Payment & Account Setup
  • Profile Setup
  • Secret Question Setup
  • Stats
  • Requests
  • Point
  • Inbox System
  • Transaction History
  • Financial Accounts

Other Common Features

  • Notifications :-Whenever new message or any update is received it is also sent to your registered email. E.g. It could be your payment has been released, your job has been accepted and something like that.
  • Terms and privacy User agreement, privacy policy, cookie policy and such type of information’s
  • Generate ticket Submit a request to system with topic and description.
  • Fees There will be some amount or percentage of fees cut from total job budget.
  • Help center: There will be help center containing all the brief information about all the functionalities. Which may include videos?
  • Account deletion request: User or service provider can also request for deletion of account.
  • Market Place Admin Features
  • Pages management: All pages content should be managed from admin panel including disclaimer
  • Category Management
    Categories of various services , admin can add categories, edit, management.
  • View management
    Admin will be able to review service providers and service seekers.
  • Newsletter:-
    Newsletter system for sending various type of news emails, payment alert, job alerts, job request alert, fund alerts and lot many.
  • User Management:-
    Admin will be able manage both type of users and can suspend accounts as well.
  • Support System:-
    Ticket system for dispute solving. Violation/ dispute Admin can interfere when there is any violation or dispute. His decision would be the final one.
  • Billing management:-
    Generating bills, invoice management. Generate invoices for users and service providers.
  • Report generation Admin have to send reports on weekly or monthly basis whichever is selected.
  • Point system management:-
    Reviewing & managing rating system of the service providers and service seekers and manage their account accordingly.
  • Fees management
    Managing the fee structure, how much percentage or how much amount shall be the cut from budget allocation.
  • Account Deletion
    Admin will be able to delete the account of the user/ service provider account upon request of deletion.



  • Responsive HTML
  • Bootstrap CSS
  • Cusomized Admin Platform
  • Php/Mysql
  • Amazon CDN for Content Delivery N/W
  • Payment Gateway
  • Social Media Integration

if you are looking for development of marketplace system , feel free to contact us