IoT Based Remote Surveillance Solution

Surveillance has always been a vital part of any business not just to keep the assets secured but also to guard the trade secrets. Initially cameras were a great help to keep guard on any activity around the secured area. But as the technology has improved and people have become more known to disengaging them, there was need for better and more dynamic technology for surveillance.

Remote Surveillance using Internet of Things (IoT)

It is proposed for remote supervision & video based analytics of assets in a remote location for handling diverse tasks. It is designed on basis of Video Capturing and Continuous Live Streaming of the video to Remote Monitoring Client through advanced WiFi Connection.

It leads to trigger alerts to the Remote Clients in case of any unwanted actions inside the premises. Against alerts from the device, recovery actions can be done over remote applications.

The Technology

Our solution is a combination of IoT environment with Internet technology and traditional Remote monitoring management technology. Our surveillance security system is that it is a robotic car that take round of specified area and get you real time images, so that your surveillance is not bound to wall mounted cameras that provide you a specific range of total area.


IoT improves these capabilities in IP Surveillance systems require data to be sent to central server in real-time. In many field applications, the internet access doesn’t available whereas WiFi Network can do the need of remote communication. Process of monitoring and controlling your remote site, assets and providing the visibility and surveillance using Internet of Things.

Industry Focus

  • Data Centers Automation
  • Banks & Financial Institutions
  • Museums & Art Galleries
  • Warehouse Security
  • Retail stores & Commercial offices

Security Automation

  • Real-time Video Monitoring and Analytics for Live Security
  • Remote Connection Medium – Advanced WiFi
  • Temperature & Humidity Monitoring of the premises
  • Device Tampering Alerts to ensure
  • Predesigned path for device to move and get data
  • Motion Controller to help set the movement
  • Ultrasonic (Sonar based) Sensing technology

The System

Technology has made things  effortless and facile to Connect, Control and Manage your Remote location & its assets wirelessly. LetsNurture provides connected wireless product with sensors that is based on Raspberry Pi.