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How to create PopUp Box For check Password validation in Laravel

In this blog we will give you steps to set popup box on password field for check validation.

1. First Add Password field in Your blade file.

&ltdiv class="form-group {{ $errors-&gthas('password') ? ' has-error' : '' }}"&gt
          &ltlabel class="control-label" for="password"&gtPassword &ltspan class="colorRed"&gt *&lt/span&gt&lt/label&gt
            &ltdiv class=""&gt
                   &ltinput type="password" class="form-control" id="password" name="password" placeholder="Password" value="{{old('password')}}" autocomplete="off"/&gt
                     @if ($errors-&gthas('password'))
                        &ltspan class="help-block alert alert-danger"&gt
                               &ltstrong&gt{{ $errors-&gtfirst('password') }}&lt/strong&gt

2. Add pop up for password field

Add this after complete form

&ltdiv id="pswd_info"&gt
  &ltp class="pp"&gt&ltb&gtPassword must have:&lt/b&gt&lt/p&gt
    &ltli id="length" class="invalid" style="color:#9e9fa1;"&gtatleast 8 characters&lt/li&gt
    &ltli id="capital" class="invalid" style="color:#9e9fa1;"&gtatleast 1 uppercase&lt/li&gt
    &ltli id="letter" class="invalid" style="color:#9e9fa1;"&gtatleast 1 lowercase&lt/li&gt
    &ltli id="number" class="invalid" style="color:#9e9fa1;"&gtatleast 1 number&lt/li&gt
    &ltli id="special" class="invalid" style="color:#9e9fa1;"&gtatleast 1 special char&lt/li&gt

3. Add CSS for set Popup on password field

You can modify css as per your requirement

#pswd_info {
        position: absolute;
        bottom: 410px;
        left: 1229px;
        width: 144px;
        padding: 5px;
        background: #fefefe;
        font-size: .750em;
        border-radius: 5px;
        box-shadow: 0 1px 3px #ccc;
        border: 1px solid #ddd;
        height: 165px;
    #pswd_info h4 {
        margin:0 0 10px 0;
    #pswd_info::before {
        content: "\25b6";
    .invalid {
        background: url("{{ asset('resources/assets/img/invalid.png') }}") no-repeat 0 50%;
    .valid {
        background:url("{{ asset('resources/assets/img/valid.png') }}") no-repeat 0 50%;

    #pswd_info {
    	font-size: 12px;
    	font-style: bold;
    #pswd_info ul{
      padding: 0px;
    #pswd_info li{
        list-style: none;

4. Finally Add Script in Script Section

    $(document).ajaxStart(function() {
    $(document).ready(function() {
      $('input[type=password]').keyup(function() {
          // keyup event code here
      $('input[type=password]').focus(function() {
          // focus code here
      $('input[type=password]').blur(function() {

          // blur code here
       $('input[type=password]').keyup(function() {
          // keyup code here
      }).focus(function() {
          // focus code here

      }).blur(function() {
          // blur code here

      $('#password').keyup(function() {
      // keyup code here
      var pswd = $(this).val();
      //validate the length
      if ( pswd.length &lt 8 ) {
      } else {

      //validate letter
      if ( pswd.match(/[a-z]/) ) {
      } else {

      //validate capital letter
      if ( pswd.match(/[A-Z]/) ) {
      } else {

      //validate number
      if ( pswd.match(/\d/) ) {
      } else {
      if (/^[a-zA-Z0-9- ]*$/.test(pswd) == false) {
      } else {

      }).focus(function() {
      }).blur(function() {


Now you can see popup box on password field like this:

When you add a proper validate value then the ticks will be in blue color.

Lets Nurture

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Lets Nurture

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