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Feb. 215.4 K
VIEWSAuthorize.Net is a payment gateway service provider, It allows merchants to accept credit card and electronic check payments through their website and over an Internet Protocol connection. It is a safer way to process transactions online.
static let kClientKey = "5qwhb******************************************************43NsN" static let kClientName = "9r********5A" static let kClientTransationKey = "2w************7t" static let kValidationMode = "testMode" // liveMode static let kPaymentMode = AcceptSDKEnvironment.ENV_TEST //AcceptSDKEnvironment.ENV_LIVE static let kAuthorisedAPI = "https://apitest.authorize.net/" //https://api.authorize.net/ static let ApplePayMerchantID = "merchant.com.MyTestApp"
@IBOutlet weak var btnApplePay: UIButton!
import PassKit
var SupportedPaymentNetworks = [PKPaymentNetwork.amex, PKPaymentNetwork.cartesBancaires, PKPaymentNetwork.cartesBancaires, PKPaymentNetwork.chinaUnionPay, PKPaymentNetwork.discover, PKPaymentNetwork.eftpos, PKPaymentNetwork.electron, PKPaymentNetwork.elo, PKPaymentNetwork.idCredit, PKPaymentNetwork.interac, PKPaymentNetwork.JCB, PKPaymentNetwork.mada, PKPaymentNetwork.maestro, PKPaymentNetwork.masterCard, PKPaymentNetwork.privateLabel, PKPaymentNetwork.quicPay, PKPaymentNetwork.suica, PKPaymentNetwork.visa, PKPaymentNetwork.vPay]
@IBAction func btnApplePayTapped(_ sender: UIButton) { //MARK: Checks apple pay is supported on current device or not if PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController.canMakePayments() == false { let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Apple Pay is not available", message: nil, preferredStyle: .alert) alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .cancel, handler: nil)) return self.present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil) } //MARK: checks apple pay is available then opens wallet app if PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController.canMakePayments(usingNetworks: supportedNetworks) == false { openWalletApp() } let tempDict = cartDetailsFetch?.value(forKey: "data") as! Dictionary <String, Any> var totalPay : NSDecimalNumber? let request = PKPaymentRequest() request.currencyCode = "USD" request.countryCode = "US" // Set your apple pay merchant id request.merchantIdentifier = Constants.ApplePayMerchantID request.supportedNetworks = SupportedPaymentNetworks // DO NOT INCLUDE PKMerchantCapability.capabilityEMV request.merchantCapabilities = PKMerchantCapability.capability3DS //MARK: pass total value and currency code to apple payment request request.paymentSummaryItems = [ PKPaymentSummaryItem(label: "Total", amount: totalPay as! NSDecimalNumber) ] let applePayController = PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController(paymentRequest: request) applePayController?.delegate = self self.present(applePayController!, animated: true, completion: nil) } //MARK: opens wallet app func openWalletApp() { let library = PKPassLibrary() library.openPaymentSetup() } //MARK: encrypt data and returns encrypted string @objc func base64forData(_ theData: Data) -> String { let charSet = CharacterSet.urlQueryAllowed let paymentString = NSString(data: theData, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)!.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: charSet) return paymentString! }
func paymentAuthorizationViewController(_ controller: PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController, didAuthorizePayment payment: PKPayment, completion: (@escaping (PKPaymentAuthorizationStatus) -> Void)) { print("paymentAuthorizationViewController delegates called") // completion(PKPaymentAuthorizationStatus.success) print("Payment method data : \(payment.token.paymentMethod.description)") print("Payment method data : \(payment.token.paymentData.description)") if payment.token.paymentData.count > 0 { let base64str = self.base64forData(payment.token.paymentData) let message = String(format: "Data Value: %@", base64str) let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Authorization Success", message: "", preferredStyle: .alert) alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .cancel, handler: nil)) completion(PKPaymentAuthorizationStatus.success) //call api CallCreateCustApplePayProfile(payment: payment) } else { let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Authorization Failed!", message: nil, preferredStyle: .alert) alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: UIAlertAction.Style.default, handler: nil)) completion(PKPaymentAuthorizationStatus.failure) return self.performApplePayCompletion(controller, alert: alert) } } //MARK: apple payment is finished then this method calls @objc func performApplePayCompletion(_ controller: PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController, alert: UIAlertController) { controller.dismiss(animated: true, completion: {() -> Void in self.present(alert, animated: false, completion: nil) }) } func paymentAuthorizationViewControllerDidFinish(_ controller: PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController) { controller.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil) print("paymentAuthorizationViewControllerDidFinish called") }
func CallCreateCustApplePayProfile(payment: PKPayment){ let tempDict = cartDetailsFetch?.value(forKey: "data") as! Dictionary <String, Any> let addressData = UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: "CheckOutAddress") as? Dictionary <String,Any> let firstName = addressData!["first_name"] ?? "" let lastName = addressData!["last_name"] ?? "" let address1: String = addressData!["addres1"] as! String let address2: String = addressData!["addres2"] as! String let addressString = NSString(format: "%@,%@", address1,address2) let city = addressData!["city_name"] ?? "" let state = addressData!["state"] ?? "" let zip = addressData!["pincode"] ?? "" let country = "" _ = addressData!["mobile"] ?? "" let base64str = payment.token.paymentData.base64EncodedString() print("Data value: \(base64str)") let totalPay = tempDict["total"] as? String ?? "0.0" //MARK: Send basic details to authorize.net api let savecardJson = "{\r\n \"createTransactionRequest\": {\r\n \"merchantAuthentication\": {\r\n \"name\": \"\(Constants.kClientName)\",\r\n \"transactionKey\": \"\(Constants.kClientTransationKey)\" },\r\n \"transactionRequest\": {\r\n \"transactionType\": \"authCaptureTransaction\",\r\n \"amount\": \"\(totalPay)\",\r\n \"payment\": {\r\n \"opaqueData\":{\r\n \"dataDescriptor\": \"COMMON.APPLE.INAPP.PAYMENT\",\r\n \"dataValue\": \"\(base64str)\" } }, \r\n \"order\" : {\r\n \"invoiceNumber\" : \"\(self.invoiceNo)\", \r\n \"description\" : \"OrderFromiOS\"}, \r\n \"billTo\": {\r\n \"firstName\": \"\(firstName)\",\r\n \"lastName\": \"\(lastName)\",\r\n \"company\": \"\("company")\",\r\n \"address\": \"\(addressString)\",\r\n \"city\": \"\(city)\",\r\n \"state\": \"\(state)\",\r\n \"zip\": \"\(zip)\",\r\n \"country\": \"\(country)\"},\r\n \"shipTo\": {\r\n \"firstName\": \"\(firstName)\",\r\n \"lastName\": \"\(lastName)\",\r\n \"company\": \"\("company")\",\r\n \"address\": \"\(addressString)\",\r\n \"city\": \"\(city)\",\r\n \"state\": \"\(state)\",\r\n \"zip\": \"\(zip)\",\r\n \"country\": \"\(country)\"},\r\n \"customerIP\": \"\(IPAdress)\"}} }" print("CallCreateCustApplePayProfile payment data : \(savecardJson)") let jsonData = Data(savecardJson.utf8) let request = NSMutableURLRequest(url: NSURL(string: "\(Constants.kAuthorisedAPI)xml/v1/request.api")! as URL, cachePolicy: .useProtocolCachePolicy, timeoutInterval: 10.0) request.httpMethod = "POST" //request.allHTTPHeaderFields = headers request.httpBody = jsonData as Data request.timeoutInterval = 60 let session = URLSession.shared let dataTask = session.dataTask(with: request as URLRequest, completionHandler: { (data, response, error) -> Void in if (error != nil) { print(error ?? "") let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse print(httpResponse ?? "") self.aryCreatePayProf = try! JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data!, options: []) as! NSDictionary as! [String : Any] print("payment details from apple pay from error block :== \(self.aryCreatePayProf)") _ = "\(Constants.APP_URL+URLs.placeOrder.rawValue)" } else { let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse print(httpResponse!) self.aryCreatePayProf = try! JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data!, options: []) as! NSDictionary as! [String : Any] print("payment details from apple pay :== \(self.aryCreatePayProf)") let messages = self.aryCreatePayProf["messages"] as! Dictionary<String,Any> let arymessages = messages["message"]! as! NSArray let message = arymessages[0] as! Dictionary<String,Any> if "\(message["code"]!)" == "I00001" { //call your server api here for submit data to your server } else { DispatchQueue.main.async { self.view.makeToast("\(message["text"]!)", duration: 5.0, position: .bottom) ACProgressHUD.shared.hideHUD() } } } }) dataTask.resume() }
You can see which params needed when authorize.net API calling from this link: https://developer.authorize.net/api/reference/index.html#mobile-in-app-transactions-create-an-apple-pay-transaction
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