
What is the cost to create an app like Fetchr?


Jul. 22



Make an On-Demand Parcel Pickup & Drop App like Fetchr: Its Features, Costs, Tech Stack, and Business Model

Things have changed dramatically and are moving toward digitization after 2020. Covid-19 has shown that e-commerce, parcel delivery services and e-commerce have emerged as the most advanced domains. This has inspired many business owners and entrepreneurs to join this vibrant industry.

This blog will help you decide if developing an app for parcel pickup and drop-off is worth it.

The 2019 pandemic’s legacy has caused havoc across all industries and brought the world to a halt. It is also not wrong to state that COVID-19 was an economic catastrophe.

Nearly every business in the world is experiencing a difficult phase. People are losing their jobs, small businesses close down, and multinationals announce lay-offs. The on-demand delivery industry has seen a tremendous rise in popularity during these times.

But, those who are pursuing this industry in business are unsure how long it will last.

You have reached the right place if you’re also unsure about how profitable it would be to launch an app for on-demand delivery. This article will provide valuable statistics and share survey reports to help you get a better understanding of the on-demand delivery market and its future prospects.



These points will help you to understand the concept better.

What is the On-Demand Delivery App?



It is not an easy task to develop a pickup-and-drop app.

People have switched to ordering on-demand delivery services over going to their homes because they are no longer able to be locked down or follow social distancing norms. Everything has moved to the wheel, from shopping to ordering food, medicine, groceries, and even groceries. To keep up with changing market trends, it is imperative that businesses offer on-time delivery and shipping of products.

These are some market insights that show why pick-up and drop services are so popular:

  • 73% of respondents said they shop online more now than before the pandemic. 88% said they will continue to shop online, which increases the demand for parcel delivery services.
  • Statistics show that there will be around 15.5 million deliveries worldwide by 2020.
  • In 2020, there will be around 704.7 million people who use platform-to–consumer delivery.
  • Parcel delivery costs an average of $6.4 per square meter.
  • Standard delivery can take between 3 and 5 business days.
  • 66% prefer home delivery to any other delivery method.
  • 55% of American shoppers want same-day delivery at all times.

These statistics will show you that timing is everything when it comes to delivery services for the fulfilment of orders or retail shipping. Ecommerce is having a greater impact on parcel delivery. This makes it more exciting and presents new challenges when balancing customer satisfaction with delivery goals. You can make sure that customers are satisfied by hiring a mobile app developer. It is worth looking at these tips before you get into the details of working with app developers.

How to Create an App for Pick-up and Drop Services Like Fetchr?


It is a great business idea to launch a personal-to-person pickup/drop service app. It is a difficult task to turn your app idea into a viable solution. You must validate your target audience and market precisely.

Fetchr, a UAE-based on-demand delivery app, is the first to come to mind when discussing these apps. Fetchr offers all services for on-demand delivery in the Middle-Eastern Countries, whether it is a startup, a global brand, or an e-commerce business. Fetchr is a tech-oriented logistics firm that employs advanced algorithms and technology solutions to improve its GPS-based delivery system.

Let’s start with the points that will help you build a successful app for parcel delivery on demand:


  • Understanding Your End-Users’ Needs and What They Want

Sometimes even the most brilliant apps fail because they don’t meet users’ needs. If you’re planning to build a pickup-and-drop app, you must first understand who you’re targeting and determine if your app idea meets their needs. You should do a lot of research about the needs of your users and then keep your app centred around them.

  • Do market research and analyze your competitors

Businesses often skip market research and rush straight into the development process, which is the most costly mistake. Fetchr and other market leaders are a good example of how to keep your eyes open for what they have to offer, their ratings, feedback and consistency in technology evolution.

  • MVP Development is a must-have

It was expensive and took a lot of time to develop a pick-up and delivery app. It is a good idea to launch your app idea using an MVP solution that has the bare minimum of features. The MVP solution allows you to track the response of your target audience and gather their feedback. You can sell your app by creating a basic version with a low budget.

These are the basics of creating a mobile application. Although creating an app can be expensive, people don’t fear developing new apps but are concerned about whether the market will accept them. Consider these rules to help you identify the best set of features.

The Features and Functionalities of an On-demand Parcel Delivery Application


It is important to understand that functionalities and features are key determinants of the success of your app. It can also be a significant cost-affecting parameter. You need to be strategic when deciding what information to include in your app.

After you have mastered the theory of app development, it is time to start thinking about how you will implement your app. It is the app features that make it easier and more efficient. Most organisations turn to hiring a custom mobile app developer who has experience in app development and can create an app that leaves a lasting impression. It is important to note that the panels must be three-panelled. Each panel will have different functionality, but you should consider including the most relevant feature.

Let’s take a look at the features you could add to different panels.

Features to build an On-Demand Parcel Delivery app for customer panel


  • Sign up: Users can register themselves to start using an app by providing details such as their first and last names, addresses, and email ids.
  • Social Media Integration: This allows users to log in using the same credentials as their social media accounts.
  • Select Services: You should offer a way for customers to select the services they need, such as parcel pickup, drop off, fetch, or sell.
  • Schedule Pickup Date and Times: Users can choose the date and time that works best for them.
  • Schedule the Delivery: This feature is important to consider in the on-demand delivery application. It allows users to set a delivery time and date.
  • Add Location: Customers can set up the location manually by entering the details of the area where they wish to pick up or deliver their orders.
  • Map Integration: This feature allows users to drag and drop their location, and then be able to set the exact location.
  • You can make payments with the multi-payment integration feature. Users can choose their preferred payment method, whether it is PayPal, Credit Card, Debit Card, or any other.
  • COD option: If users do not wish to make an online payment, they can choose Cash on Delivery (COD), and pay at parcel delivery.
  • Promo code/Discount: This will make your app very attractive. It allows users to add discount coupons or promo codes while they request services. They will be able to take advantage of other benefits.
  • Add Comment: Customers can use this feature to leave a message, or ask drivers specific questions such as “don’t ring the bell” or “leave a package at the front door”.
  • Real-time Order Tracking: This feature is essential to increase convenience. This feature allows users to easily track the status of their parcel, such as whether it is on its way or has been delivered. It also lets them know how long it took to deliver.
  • Push Notification: This feature can be added to on-demand delivery apps. It will keep users informed and provide information about all activity, including offers, delivery status, payment confirmations, order requests, and other details.
  • Create a bill: The app allows users to easily create a bill of services that includes the total amount, details about the product, and discount.

Features for creating an On-Demand Delivery Application for Delivery Panel


  • Login details: The delivery agents will need to log in with the credentials approved and verified by the administrator for further processing.
  • View Request Details: This feature allows delivery agents to see the details of every delivery request individually, and helps them keep track of them.
  • Accept or refuse a request: Depending on the availability of drivers the delivery agent will accept or reject the delivery request.
  • View Customer Details: The delivery agent can view all details about customers as well as notes made about delivery. This feature can be created by hiring an app developer and made easily accessible to delivery agents.
  • Status Update: Once the task has been completed, let the delivery agents update the status of the delivery.
  • View Payment Details: Different payment methods are used by customers. Delivery agents can view details of COD or received payments.
  • Map Integration: Map integration allows delivery agents to track customers’ locations easily.
  • Push Notification: Delivery agents will be kept informed about new requests and location updates via this feature.

Features to create Pickup and Drop Service Apps for Admin Panel


  • Log in/Sign up: Administrators can log in to the app using an email ID or password.
  • Forgot password? Administrators can access their password details to retrieve them and reset them quickly.
  • Dashboard: Here they can view all graphs and status and see the most recent orders and location.
  • Manage Customers: The administrator can add, edit and delete customers’ details.
  • Manage Services: Allow Admin access to add and remove services, update and delete existing ones, modify the description and manage images.
  • Manage Delivery Agents: This feature allows the admin to track the deliveries and manage the details of delivery agents.
  • Order Management: The Admin can manage orders, retrieve all details, and search for and update details as needed.
  • You can manage notifications: Using advanced AI and ML-based algorithms the admin can send personalized notifications to users based on their activity or search behaviour. You can also send SMS alerts about payment confirmation and view all payments, whether they are weekly or monthly.
  • Reporting: Administrators can view or download progress reports every week, monthly, or annually to see how much this app has brought in over time.

The cost of creating a parcel delivery app will depend on the platform you choose and the technologies that you use to support them. If you’ve decided to hire an app developer to build an app such as the Fetchr pickup-and-drop service app, it is worth looking at the monetization strategies that can help you generate revenue from your business investment. You can also analyze your competitors to see what strategies they used to make money.

How to Monetize Fetchr’s On-Demand Delivery App?



No matter if you are a startup founder or an entrepreneur, your main concern should be to learn how to make money with the on-demand delivery app. We have collected the best ways to profit from the on-demand delivery app.

  • Delivery fees

No business owner wants their customers to wait long for their orders, regardless of whether they are in a medical or retail establishment. Your on-demand delivery app is a great partner for helping them move their business quickly. To provide super-fast delivery, you may charge a delivery fee to be able to generate revenue.

This monetization strategy can be used to either hide the delivery fee or charge a flat fee to companies that are usually looking for delivery partners such as restaurants, grocery stores, and medical stores.

  • Peak Hours Delivery Fee

This is one of many monetization strategies for the on-demand delivery app. You can restrict the delivery price and menu options depending on the holiday or peak hour. This monetization strategy has the advantage of allowing you to adjust the delivery fee based on market demand and peak hours.

  • In-App Paid Features

Your on-demand delivery app can be downloaded for free, just like Fetchr. You will also have access to some basic features. You can add paid features to the app that users can directly purchase and receive special benefits. To make your app more appealing to users, you can hire a software developer. This will allow them to choose the most advanced features and attract their attention. These benefits include free delivery, free servicing options and same-day delivery. You can also get combo packs. This monetization strategy’s price structure should be affordable and competitive.

  • In-App Advertisement

In-app advertising in delivery apps has proven to be a huge source of revenue for companies like Uber Eats, Amazon and Zomato. It is worth your time to attract this monetization strategy if you also plan to create an app for delivery on demand.

You now know the top monetization strategies to help you get the most out of your business investments. Let’s move on to the second question: How much does it cost for a parcel delivery app such as Fetchr to be created for Android and iOS?

What Does it Cost to Create an App for Pick-up and Drop Services like Fetchr?



Pickup and delivery services are becoming more popular in app development and this is influencing logistics companies from around the globe to join this growing industry. This type of app is beneficial for both consumers and businesses. However, the main problem is how much it costs to create an on-demand delivery app for Android or iOS.

It is not easy to estimate the app development cost for pickup and delivery apps such as Fetchr because there are many elements that go into the cost calculation. There are many factors that can impact the cost of an app: platform choice, complexity, features and functionality of the app; app testing; app costing; hourly costs of app developers and app testers.

If you take all these parameters into consideration and then analyse them to determine the app development cost, the average cost of creating a basic app is around USD 20,000. It will take approximately 4+ months to build.

If you’re competing with Fetchr as a pickup and delivery app, you should consider creating an app with all the advanced features. It will cost between USD 25,000 and 35,000 USD per platform.

Cross-platform app development is the best way to cut development costs. It allows you to build apps that are compatible with multiple platforms, saves 40% on development time and makes it faster than creating two native apps.

Every business is different, so it’s a good idea to set up a time with experts to discuss your project details and get an accurate estimate of the cost of app development.

Make your own delivery app for your business


This blog should have given you all the information you need about on-demand delivery apps and helped you to see how rewarding it is to launch an app that allows you to pick up and drop off customers like Fetchr. A mere idea won’t help you get to the top of the market. Hire a custom mobile application development company to help you validate your idea and build a solution that will allow you to stay ahead in this highly competitive market. Experts can help you implement the industry-demand functionalities and features in your app to make it a top choice for users.


Lets Nurture
Posted by Lets Nurture
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